Added Time: Keeping faith in Schmidt, Katie Taylor rolls on, John Delaney’s High Court trip

Malachy Clerkin and Pat Nugent are joined by Gerry Thornley, Johnny Watterson and Emmet Malone

Stop all the clocks. Cut off the telephone. Abandon all hope as Ireland’s rugby World Cup dreams are reduced to a block of mouldy cheese in the back of the fridge...

Or maybe not. Gerry Thornley is in studio to implore everyone to keep the faith as Joe Schmidt faces into the most testing six months of his managerial career.

Katie Taylor and Michael Conlan both did their business with a minimum of fuss in America over the weekend. Johnny Watterson chimes in on how their respective pro careers have gone so far and what awaits in a huge summer for both of them.

And it’s Mick McCarthy’s first full week on the job as Ireland manager so there must be a bit of FAI brouhaha somewhere in the ether. John Delaney’s 11th-hour trip to the High Court over the weekend to stop The Sunday Times running a story about his €100,000 loan to the association has at least given Emmet Malone something to detain him ahead of the Gibraltar game on Saturday so we have him on to walk us through it all.


All this plus a racing pigeon story that will blow your gaddamn socks off in today’s Added Time podcast with Malachy Clerkin and Pat Nugent.

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