Big boost for Irish referees

IRISH SOCCER: Two of the country's leading referees, Alan Kelly and Ian Stokes, look set to get the opportunity to officiate…

IRISH SOCCER: Two of the country's leading referees, Alan Kelly and Ian Stokes, look set to get the opportunity to officiate at more high-profile games over the coming year after earning significant promotions in the latest UEFA ranking list.

Kelly from Cork and Dubliner Stokes have been made category two and category three referees respectively by European football's governing body. Kelly's elevation to the scheme's second tier is the highest any Irish official has achieved since the system was adopted by UEFA and should mean that he is put in charge of several significant internationals over the coming 12 months.

"I am obviously delighted to be elevated to a UEFA Category 2 Referee," said Kelly yesterday.

"It's also a proud day for the FAI as the faith it has shown in our referees over the past few seasons is very much paying off. The aim of the FAI Referees Department manager three or four years ago when he took up his position was to have Eircom League referees in a position to officiate at the very highest level. This is just another step in that direction."


Kelly's father, Pat, is the FAI manager involved and he welcomed the news as a reward for the investment made by the association in recent years in the development of young referees.

"I am particularly happy," he said, "as both Alan and Ian have graduated from the FAI's School of Excellence programme for new referees, which was introduced five years ago with the intention of fast-tracking the best of the young referees. The system has received much praise from UEFA," he added.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times