Cardiff couriers

Everybody here is hoping that Ireland can score a few more tries when they meet Wales at Lansdowne Road next Saturday, but the…

Everybody here is hoping that Ireland can score a few more tries when they meet Wales at Lansdowne Road next Saturday, but the first score of the afternoon will actually take place a few minutes before the kick-off.

The Millennium Rugby Try is a special charity event that will see the ball relayed from the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff all the way to Lansdowne Road. Former internationals already signed up to participate in the run include Ciaran Fitzgerald, Brendan Mullen, Garrett Edwards, Fergus Slattery and Tony Ward - although who will actually claim the final touchdown is yet to be revealed.

The event is organised by the Holyhead and Dun Laoghaire Link - a voluntary organisation that improves co-operation between the communities on both sides of the Irish Sea in matters of sport, culture, business and economic development.

The full schedule is:


Thursday - Kick-off at 10. a.m. at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff. The ball is carried in relays through Wales to Holyhead.

Friday - Depart Holyhead on Stena HSS Explorer at 6.30 p.m. Non-stop running aboard ship.

Saturday - Run from Dun Laoghaire's Royal Marine Hotel to Lansdowne Road, arriving at 3 p.m. Scoring of try and conversion.

All monies raised through sponsorship of the runners will be split three ways between the following worthy causes: GOAL, the Welsh Cancer Research Agency (Tenovus), and the HolyheadDun Laoghaire Link itself.