Carroll heads funding list

NINETY EIGHT Irish sportspeople from 20 different sports received funding in the latest list of government grants, announced …

NINETY EIGHT Irish sportspeople from 20 different sports received funding in the latest list of government grants, announced by Minister for Sport Bernard Allen in Dublin yesterday.

A total of £147,000 in funding was allocated under the Outstanding Sportspersons Grant Scheme for this year, with runner Mark Carroll and javelin thrower Terry McHugh receiving the highest amounts at £7,500 and £7,000 respectively.

Other recipients of sizeable awards included David Matthews (athletics), Niall O'Toole (rowing), Derek Ryan (squash) and Sine ad Delahunty (athletics). Also included in the list were a considerable number of disabled sportspeople, with 25 competitors from deaf, blind, wheelchair and cerebral palsy sports, many of whom are preparing for the paralympics in Atlanta in August, receiving £21,500 between them.

. About 240,000 new Atlanta Olympic tickets for 211 sessions in 17 sports will go on sale tomorrow, including seats to watch the start and finish of the rescheduled men's marathon. This marks the first time any Olympic organiser has tried to sell seats to only the marathon, which has finished during the closing ceremonies or final athletics session in recent Games.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times