Collymore may be in even more trouble

STAN COLLYMORE will learn today if his position at Liverpool is to be further undermined by yet more disciplinary action.

STAN COLLYMORE will learn today if his position at Liverpool is to be further undermined by yet more disciplinary action.

During a reserve game against Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday, the England forward appeared to gesture towards, and appeared to swear at, journalists in Anfield's press box.

Collymore's display of petulance came only 48 hours after he had been fined £20,000 for refusing to play in a reserve fixture at Tranmere Rovers last week.

Liverpool's vice chairman Peter Robinson, who did not attend Saturday's game, confirmed yesterday that he was looking into the matter.


"We are seeking the views of a number of people who were present before deciding if action needs to be taken," he said. "But the club has not received a single complaint from supporters who were present over the alleged incident.

After his investigation has been completed Robinson will discuss the affair with Liverpool's manager Roy Evans, who returns this morning after a scouting mission in Switzerland.