Conway makes case for Ireland recall

WOMEN'S HOCKEY: She's been staking her claim, in convincing fashion, for a recall to Irish senior panel since she was dropped…

WOMEN'S HOCKEY: She's been staking her claim, in convincing fashion, for a recall to Irish senior panel since she was dropped by Riet Kuper five years ago

After being named player of the tournament at the Club Championships at Belfield on Monday Trish Conway feels there's not much more that she can do to convince the Irish coach that she's worth that recall. She's not alone.

What could yet help the Old Alexandra player's cause, though, is the fact Kuper is beginning to run low on players, especially experienced ones, for her panel.

Monday's announcement by Claire McMahon that she has retired from international hockey brings to seven the number of players who appeared at last year's World Cup but have since gone from the panel.


Tara Browne, Arlene Boyles, Karen Humphreys and Laura Lee retired in February while Pamela Magill dropped out of the squad and Catherine Murray made herself unavailable for selection this summer.

Jenny Burke, Rachael Kohler and Daphne Sixsmith are, officially at least, still undecided about their futures while Karen Bateman and Caitriona O'Kelly were unable to accept invitations back into the fold.

Pegasus striker Heather Mullan also had to turn down her call-up for work reasons. The panel is now down to 21 players, including three goalkeepers, five of them uncapped.

Conway, though, would relish the opportunity to resume her international career, one that, so far, has yielded just 10 caps. Would the 28-year-old be available for selection?

"Definitely," she said. "My boss is a former hockey player so he would be very supportive in terms of time off - he's a rare boss. I'd love to go back. I want to play for my country so I'm prepared to make whatever sacrifices are required, even if it isn't easy sometimes.

"You can get tired of the training but it's worth it in the end if it means you can go out and represent your country.

"I am slightly resigned to the fact that I won't get back because, perhaps, Riet Kuper doesn't think I'm good enough, but you keep going in the hope that things might change with the next coach - although it would be lovely to be asked back by her.

"I could have played better at the interpro's this season but I couldn't have done much more at the weekend - four goals in three games, from midfield, against, supposedly, the best teams in the country.

"I'll wait and see what happens, I've never quite given up but, naturally, as the years go by you begin to wonder if you'll ever get the chance again.

"I've never played in a tournament for Ireland, all 10 of my caps were in friendlies, so I would love to get that opportunity."

Ireland play in the European Championships in Barcelona in September and the Olympic Qualifier in Auckland in March. The build-up begins in earnest with two games against England at Bisham Abbey in July.

By the end of that weekend Conway will hope to have 12 caps to her name.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times