Court ends Chambers' hopes of competing in Beijing

ATHLETICS : THE BRITISH Olympic Association (BOA) is reviewing its drugs bylaw after the High Court refused to grant an injunction…

ATHLETICS :THE BRITISH Olympic Association (BOA) is reviewing its drugs bylaw after the High Court refused to grant an injunction to suspend a lifetime ban on Dwain Chambers competing at the Olympics, writes Michael Phillips.

The BOA will commission a survey of all of its athletes after the Games in Beijing to determine whether the rule has complete support.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a new decree that anyone who is banned for at least six months during an Olympiad is barred from the next Games and the BOA could eventually follow suit.

As Mr Justice Mackay gave his verdict, he acknowledged continuing debate about the rule: "Many people both inside and outside sport would see this bylaw as unlawful. In my judgment it would take a much better case than the claimant has presented to persuade me to overturn the status quo at this stage and compel his selection for the Games."


The BOA regularly reviews its rules and chairman Lord Moynihan revealed: "We will ask the British Athletes' Commission, which is independent of us, to undertake a survey on the bylaw after Beijing. Today has strengthened our resolve that it's the right approach but we also want to make sure we are reflecting the athletes' wishes."

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