Craig set to test Brien

Simon Brien of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club holds the lead going into today's final day of the ATS Dragon Eastern Championship…

Simon Brien of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club holds the lead going into today's final day of the ATS Dragon Eastern Championship after a weekend of mixed conditions on Dublin Bay for the 24 boat fleet.

However, today's racing could see the Northener come under pressure from Andrew Craig's Chimaera after two firsts yesterday for the Dun Laoghiare boat leaves him ready to discard 31 points when the throwaway comes into force.

There was drama yesterday for Ward Woods and his crew on Kinky. Bowman Mark Pettitt was knocked overboard following a crash-gybe at the first windward mark avoiding another yacht. Pettitt was able to hang while middleman Brian Matthews dragged him back on board.

Meanwhile, at the Heineken Dun Laoghaire Motor YC Regatta on Saturday, Adam Winkelmann's ESAT Telecom scored their second consecutive first place in the 1720 class.


Net weekend's Howth Regatta will be a telling event in proving their form and a large fleet of sportsboats can be expected.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times