Denture adventure

One can only assume that London Irish captain and Ireland fullback Conor O'Shea (left) has a sense of humour when it comes to…

One can only assume that London Irish captain and Ireland fullback Conor O'Shea (left) has a sense of humour when it comes to answering facile questions. In a quick-fire questionnaire in Irish Rugby Review, the man they call Caesar lists the Spice Girls as his favourite group. When he is not plugged into Two Become One, with it's not so very well hidden sexual references, or Wannabe, the bold Conor might be caught fantasising about his dream car the Ferrari 355 and drinking Red Bull.

But when it comes to socialising, what pleases the pleasant Limerick-born player no end is his favourite party piece - dipping false teeth into other people's pints.

One supposes it beats the other frequently-observed rugby party pieces of standing on tables, dropping trousers and screaming `look at my arse, lads'.