Di Canio tells the boss

Yesterday's News of the World carried extracts from Paolo Di Canio's autobiography in which this highly spectacular account of…

Yesterday's News of the World carried extracts from Paolo Di Canio's autobiography in which this highly spectacular account of a run-in Di Canio had with a former boss appears:

"I screamed `who do you think you are? You are the one who should be ashamed! You come to training once a week - once a week! You, of all people, should be silent. Even if they pay you £1 a week, you would still be a thief because you don't do anything at this club. You are nothing but a thief!' By now, his face had gone from red to purple. He was shaking, hyper-ventilating. I could see foam and saliva drooling out of his mouth." The boss? Big Ron Atkinson. We'd have paid money to see that show, lots of money.