Dicks for the Ryder

Remember how restrained Jose Maria Olazabal was when those big bad Americans stampeded across the green to celebrate Justin Leonard…

Remember how restrained Jose Maria Olazabal was when those big bad Americans stampeded across the green to celebrate Justin Leonard's putt at the Ryder Cup? Can you imagine how West Ham's Julian `The Terminator' Dicks, (who's had more red cards in his career than you or me have had cups of tea) would have responded? Let's just say Tom Lehman mightn't have been walking comfortably for a week or two after.

Well, look out Tom and co because Dicks, who plans to retire from football this year, is all set to become a professional golfer, on the recommendation of Colin Montgomerie's former coach Dennis Pugh. "I am confident that with the right application, Julian can make the European Tour. He drives the ball 320 yards, is down to a 1.2 handicap and the encouraging thing is that there are aspects of his swing that can be improved," said Pugh. Julian for the Ryder Cup in 2001? There may be trouble ahead.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times