Dope talk

When the Irish Sports Council officially launched the national anti-doping programme last weekend with the statement that athlete…

When the Irish Sports Council officially launched the national anti-doping programme last weekend with the statement that athlete testing was "already taking place" somewhere around the country, rumours quickly developed as to who or what sport was the first to experience the new tests.

Athletics, soccer, rugby? Who would top the Minister for Sport Jim McDaid's most-wanted list? The answer, though, was none of the above.

"It was an out-of-competition test," explained the Sports Council chief executive John Treacy. "Those individuals have the right to privacy and so won't be named."

Still, with media interest in the issue of drugs in sport at an all-time high, the first positive test arising from this programme is sure to make major headlines.

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan

Ian O'Riordan is an Irish Times sports journalist writing on athletics