DRA rule against Mulgrew, Bonner

THE DISPUTES Resolution Authority (DRA) has ruled against the case brought by Declan Bonner and Charlie Mulgrew in opposition…

THE DISPUTES Resolution Authority (DRA) has ruled against the case brought by Declan Bonner and Charlie Mulgrew in opposition to the Donegal County Board and the process of appointing John Joe Doherty as the new senior football manager, writes Ian O'Riordan.

While the hearing took place back on November 26th, the DRA announced only yesterday they had ruled in favour of the Donegal board, who, they say, "did act within the fairness and natural justice in this instance".

There were still "minor elements of procedural irregularity" in the Donegal board's process, according to the DRA panel, but not enough to rule in favour of Mulgrew and Bonner, who had claimed that the process used to eventually appoint Doherty was "flawed".

The ruling comes just in time for tomorrow evening's Donegal County Convention, although the controversial issue, which saw Doherty eventually handed the job last month after being offered it on two previous occasions, is still sure to be raised again in some capacity.