Dublin City fail to have game postponed

Dublin City officials failed last night to have tonight's game against Longford Town postponed until a number of outstanding …

Dublin City officials failed last night to have tonight's game against Longford Town postponed until a number of outstanding issues related to the departure of Roddy Collins to Shamrock Rovers last week are resolved.

The club made the request last night when both the league's Board of Control and Management Committee met in Dublin, but were reminded that any failure to fulfil fixtures would result in the club being docked points.

City's request follows the news that two of the club's English-based players brought to the club by Collins informed Dermot Keely yesterday that they would not be travelling for the game.

The Dubliners must win tonight if they are to retain any serious hope of survival.


The latest difficulties involve Ronnie Henry, who told the new manager that he is ill, and Grant Cooper, who said that he has work commitments.

City had previously called for sanctions to be imposed on Rovers and for an investigation into last week's events, although the league made clear that it had no role in the matter.

Barry Ryan will miss the game through injury, with Robbie Horgan in line to take his place in the City goal.

Longford have Paul Keegan and Alan Murphy back from suspension for the game, but Vinnie Perth is banned.

Meanwhile, Carroll's Irish Gift Stores, sponsors of Dublin City, has offered a €10,000 incentive for the club if they avoid relegation.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times