Els parts company with Fitzgerald

Ernie Els has decided to make a change of caddie in the build-up to next month's Open Championship, ending his partnership with…

Ernie Els has decided to make a change of caddie in the build-up to next month's Open Championship, ending his partnership with experienced Dubliner JP Fitzgerald.

Fitzgerald, who has previously worked with both Darren Clarke and Paul McGinley, had been on the South African's bag for 18-months.

The world number three is many people's favourite for Royal Birkdale now that Tiger Woods is out. His Open record includes one win and three seconds and in the last two years he has finished third and fourth.

Els is next in action at the Scottish Open at Loch Lomond on July 10th-13th, the week before his bid for a fourth major.


There is speculation that he could be back with long-time caddie Ricci Roberts, with whom he won not only at Muirfield in 2002, but also two US Opens.