Extract from letter to IOC

At OCI General Assembly Meetings the total possible voting electorate consists of 38 votes

At OCI General Assembly Meetings the total possible voting electorate consists of 38 votes. This electorate includes, one IOC Member, 10 Executive members, and 27 National Federations. Since the IOC Member to Ireland is also the OCI President, the Executive has effectively a voting bloc of 11 votes.

Elections to the OCI Executive are decided by a simple majority of the electorate. Theoretically, if all members of Executive vote unanimously, the Executive with its voting bloc of 11 votes only requires to secure the votes of nine National Federations to have a voting majority and thereby secure the election of any candidate it supports.

Amendments to the OCI statutes require a three fourth majority. Therefore, even if all 28 National Federations were to vote in favour of a change to the statutes, it would still require at least one member of the Executive to vote with the National Federations in order for the change to be adopted.