Faldo left with a hard act to follow

Nick Faldo believes Europe's passion for the Ryder Cup will be the key factor again when he captains the side in two years' time…

Nick Faldo believes Europe's passion for the Ryder Cup will be the key factor again when he captains the side in two years' time.

Faldo was commentating for television as Ian Woosnam's side thrashed the United States 18.5-9.5.

The comprehensive victory at the K Club was also an unprecedented third in succession for Europe and fifth win in six, which leaves Faldo with a hard act to follow.

But the six-times major winner knows what he can expect when he takes charge of the team at Valhalla in 2008.


"I will quietly go away (but) I don't have to think of much of a gameplan," Faldo said. "These guys love this week so much, they are so passionate about it.

"Passion is the best word in sport and this event just drags the passion out of you like nothing else. We talk and speculate all week but once the players get to Friday they are as happy as sandboys.

"We have won every series, which is unprecedented. We talked about needing to win four-and-a-half points from the singles but they went out with the right attitude to win as many points as possible and add them up at the end of the day.

"Can I have 12 wild cards and just take this team over? Just give them a cat's lick, some deodorant and clean shirts and just start over!"

Wild card Darren Clarke won three points out of three just six weeks after the death of his wife Heather from cancer, and Faldo was full of admiration for the Ulsterman's performance.

Faldo (49) a record points scorer in the Ryder Cup with 25 from 11 appearances, said: "For a moment it looked like it was going to go to Darren to hole the winning putt, which would have been unbelievable.

"To have a camera in your face all week after all he has been through is unbelievable. Darren said he was ready to play and was emotionally right. His inner strength; it's quite an incredible story."  PA