Fifth man arrested

Leighton Aspell joined fellow jockeys Jamie Osborne and Dean Gallagher in protesting his innocence as police investigating allegations…

Leighton Aspell joined fellow jockeys Jamie Osborne and Dean Gallagher in protesting his innocence as police investigating allegations of doping and race-fixing made a fifth arrest yesterday.

The man, who has not been identified, is not believed to be a jockey or any other person licensed by the Jockey Club. He was later released on bail without being charged to report back on April 29th.

His arrest follows those of three riders and another man on Tuesday in connection with the dopings of Avanti Express and Lively Knight last year. They too must report to police on April 29th and the Jockey Club has since temporarily suspended the riders' licences.

Aspell, in a statement, said: "Having been given a lot of encouraging support in the last few days I would like to reinforce what has been said by my fellow jockeys, Jamie Osborne and Dean Gallagher," he said.