Flying header

Danny Worthington, a 13-year-old striker with Stalybridge Celtic Colts, turned away in disgust upon hitting a hopelessly wayward…

Danny Worthington, a 13-year-old striker with Stalybridge Celtic Colts, turned away in disgust upon hitting a hopelessly wayward volley from 30 yards in a match against Hollingworth Juniors in Manchester last week. But then he spotted his team-mates whooping and cheering and celebrating and when he turned around he saw the ball nestled in the back of the net. "I put my arms in the air and started cheering too," said young Danny, who, for the life of him, couldn't understand how he had scored.

Truth is, he didn't - the goal was credited to a seagull that had swooped in to the penalty area just in time to head home Danny's shot. The seagull was very nearly as stunned as Danny, falling to earth in a daze after heading home, but, happily, regained consciousness after a few moments before flying away. Word has it that Gerard Houllier has put in a £10 million bid for its services.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times