Gales curtail day's racing

NEARS gale force winds on the Isselmeer in Holland yesterday forced the cancellation of racing in the Olympic regatta

NEARS gale force winds on the Isselmeer in Holland yesterday forced the cancellation of racing in the Olympic regatta. The only exception was the Soling fleet which managed one race late in the afternoon as the conditions started to abate.

Weather forecasts for today suggest fresh conditions that should allow all classes to sail. If predictions of 12 to 16 knots hold true, it will suit Denise Lyttle and Louise Ann Cole as they defend their first place in the 470 women's fleet.

Today is also make or break for the Soling crew of Marshall King, Dan O'Grady and Garrett Connolly, who didn't finish yesterday's course and must improve from 19th overall back to their earlier 12th place or better in just one race this morning if they are to qualify for the match racing final.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times