Giving racism a kick into touch

Over 1,100 people are expected to take part in SARI (Sport Against Racism in Ireland) events this month

Over 1,100 people are expected to take part in SARI (Sport Against Racism in Ireland) events this month. Established in 1997, SARI is a non-profit making organisation with Charitable status that uses sport to integrate people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

On Sunday September 10th, following an appeal on national television and radio, over 100 families have invited ethnic refugee families for a traditional Irish lunch. The following Saturday and Sunday the fourth annual SARI seven-a-side soccer tournament takes place in the grounds of the Law Society of Ireland in Blackhall Place.

Forty teams representing ethnic minority communities will participate in a bid to kick racism into touch.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer