Co Derry

Club-by-club survey of golf in Ireland

A view of the 8th hole on the Strand Course at Portstewart Golf Club. Photograph: David Cannon/Getty Images
A view of the 8th hole on the Strand Course at Portstewart Golf Club. Photograph: David Cannon/Getty Images


Holes: 27


Annual membership fee:


Full £539.00

Entrance fee: Yes

Membership availability: Open.

Visitor Green fees rate: April to October - Monday to Friday £75 / Weekends & Bank Holidays £90

Any deals on membership/

visiting green fees for 2014? No.

Mission statement for the season ahead:

We welcome all golfers to enjoy the beauty and challenge of our classic links course. We hope to provide an impeccable service and hospitality for our members and visitors.


City Of Derry



Annual membership fee: Full/5 Day/Other: Full £620; 5-Day £455; Lady Associate £455; Young Adult 1 [18-27]£275; Young Adult 2 [28-30]£375; Young Adult 3 [31-33]£440; Juvenile £140; Child £90

Entrance fee: No

Membership availability: Available in all categories

Visitor Green fees rate: Weekdays £18; Weekends £25 [these discounted from the current line top line rates of £30 (weekdays) & £40 (weekends)

Any deals on membership/

visiting green fees for 2014? As above as well as 2 Green Fees for price of 1 [taken from the top line rates of £30 & £40].

What is the greatest challenge facing clubs in 2014? To stabilise membership and to attract more in all categories, especially in the Full, Lady Associate and under 18s (boys and girls).

Mission statement for the season ahead: To continue to reduce our overheads, maximise the use of the course and clubhouse facilities and the attraction and retention of more members.


Faughan Valley

Holes: 18


Annual membership fee: Full €350/Ladies €300/Junior £95

Entrance fee: No

Green fees: £10 midweek/£12 weekends

Any new deals for 2014? The club has introduced a young adults rate aimed at those 29 years of age and under, which is set at £250 for the year starting on April 1st.



Holes: 18


Annual membership fee: Full £575 (men), £440 (women); 5-day £420 (men), £335 (women); Young Adult (aged 28-30) £485, (aged 25-27) £375, (aged 25-27) £375, (aged 19-24) £275.

Entrance fee: No

Membership availability: Open for all cateogories.

Any deals on membership/

visiting green fees for 2014? This value continues to increase as we continue to invest in our courses and facilities. Our parkland courses also continue to mature and we are unscrupulous in maintaining them to the highest standards. We particularly welcome applications for membership from family groups. There is a very attractive family membership deal for husband, wife and two children.



Holes: 9


Annual membership fee: Full - £380/ 5-day - £325/Junior £65

Entrance fee: Yes (£50).

Green fees: £15 (£10 with member)



Holes: 54


Annual membership: Full £825/Over 65s £430/Lady Associate £495/Lady Over 65 £430/Student £285

Entrance fee: Yes (£1,600 for full member, £1,100 for Lady Associate)

Membership availability: on application (must be proposed by member)

Green fees: Strand links - Weekday 18 holes - £100, 36 holes £130

Weekends/Bank holidays - 18 holes £120. Special deal: 1st April - 30th April/1st October -31st October Weekday - £60, Weekends/Bank holidays - £80.

Riverside links - Weekday - £22 (parties of 16 or more £17), Weekends/Bank holidays - £27 (parties of 16 or more £22). Old Course - Weekday - £10

Weekends/Bank holidays - £15 (parties of 12 or more £13).


Roe Park

Holes: 18


Annual membership fee: Full - €600/Junior €160

Entrance fee: No

Membership availability: Yes, in all categories.

Visitor green fee rates: Weekday: £25 (£18.50 with member)/Weekend: £30 (£23.50)

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times