Police found Tiger Woods ‘asleep at the wheel’ with two flat tyres

The 41-year-old former world number one is set to appear in a Florida court on July 5th

Tiger Woods arrested in South Florida, Monday morning, reportedly on a driving under influence (DUI) charge. The former world number one golfer was reportedly taken into custody around 3am near his Jupiter Island home and released hours later.

Fresh details emerging from the police report into the arrest of Tiger Woods on Monday night have revealed that the Mercedes car inside which he was found asleep at the wheel had two flat tyres on the driver's side as well as damage to the bumpers on the same side.

Dashcam footage and audio from the arrest are expected to be released by police on Wednesday.

Woods will appear in court on July 5th after police documents released on Tuesday show that he was arrested for driving under the influence and improper parking.

The former world number one will face a charge for driving under the influence – something on Monday night he put down to a reaction to prescribed medication and not alcohol.


The citation also says that he received .000 on two breathalyser tests – results consistent with his statement.

Woods received two citations from the Jupiter, Florida police department, the first for improper parking at 4.22 am on Monday. The citation notes that Woods was driving a black 2015 Mercedes which was “stopped in the right lane with the vehicle partially in the bike lane” when police approached.

The document goes on to say that “it should be noted Woods was asleep at the wheel and had to be woken up. The vehicle was running and brake lights were illuminated as well as the right blinker flashing.”

The arresting officer wrote in his observations that the 41-year-old “had extremely slow and slurred speech.” Woods also said that he was coming from playing golf in California.

The last time the 14-time major winner was seen on a golf course was during the Dubai Desert Classic in February when he withdrew with back spasms.

Woods underwent fusion surgery over a month ago and said in a recent post on his website that it will leave him unable to “twist” for three months.

He said he was focusing on rehabilitation and stressed he must give himself time to heal.

Woods told the officer that he was taking four prescription drugs, including Vicodin.

After crashing his SUV into a fire hydrant in 2009, Woods was found to have been under the influence of the painkiller Vicodin and the sleep aid Ambien.

The officer goes on to say that Woods did not know where he was and that he changed his story of where he was going to and coming from. He also asked how far away he was from his house.

Of the five roadside tasks the police officers asked him to complete – the horizontal gaze nystagmus, the walk and turn, one leg stand, finger to nose and romberg alphabet – he was only able to complete the final one. That was also after he said he understood the directions to be “recite the national anthem backwards”.

Woods was wearing a white shirt, black shorts and black and white shoes and stated that he takes several prescriptions.

The DUI citation, which was written at 5.50 am, will require Woods to appear in court at 8.30 am on July 5th in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

In the statement Woods said that it was a mix of medications that were the cause of the arrest.

“I understand the severity of what I did and take full responsibility for my actions,” Woods said. “What happened was an unexpected reaction to prescribed medications. I didn’t realise the mix of medications had affected me so strongly.”

He spent nearly four hours in Palm Beach County Jail before being released without having to pay bail.

A mugshot was later released showing the golfer unshaven and wearing a white T-shirt.

Ahead of this week’s Memorial Tournament on the PGA Tour, host Jack Nicklaus was asked about the incident.

The 18-time major winner said: “I feel bad for Tiger. Tiger’s a friend. He’s been great for the game of golf. He needs our help. I wish him well.”

Ruaidhrí Croke

Ruaidhrí Croke

Ruaidhrí Croke is a sports journalist with The Irish Times