Grin of the week

"When I saw her I just thought, `Go on Vinnie my son, seize the day' " And he did too

"When I saw her I just thought, `Go on Vinnie my son, seize the day' " And he did too. Vinnie Jones (left), according to the Daily Mirror, "stormed through a 20-minute performance of rock 'n' roll, disco and smoochers at a charity ball" with Princess Michael of Kent at London's Park Lane Hilton last week. "She's a really grand woman and a great mover. I just thought that I'd never get a better chance to dance with royalty. These charity dos are a great leveller - when you're a humble lad from the streets like me you don't get these opportunities very often, do you?" Indeed not. "I understood her accent quite well because I've been spending a lot of time shooting with people who speak like that recently. You could say we move in the same social circles. At the end she smiled and said she had really enjoyed herself. I then retired back to my seat feeling quite pleased. I'd done the lads proud - I'd danced with a royal and hadn't let myself down." Good man Vinnie.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times