Hanson claims Wentworth glory

Dane Anders Hansen beat Justin Rose of Britain with a birdie four at the first hole of a sudden-death playoff to win the PGA …

Dane Anders Hansen beat Justin Rose of Britain with a birdie four at the first hole of a sudden-death playoff to win the PGA Championship at a soggy Wentworth on Sunday.

Hansen, the 2002 champion, punched the air in delight after rolling in an 18-foot putt for victory at the 18th.

Rose (71) and Hansen (69) were tied on eight-under 280 at the end of the regulation 72 holes.

One stroke adrift were Fiji's Vijay Singh (66) and Richard Sterne of South Africa (74). Argentine Angel Cabrera, who won this event two years ago, tied for fifth place with Miguel Angel Jimenez of Spain.


It was a mixed day for the three Irish players still left in the Championship. Peter Lawrie ended on three-under-par while Padraig Harrington finshed on one-under and Paul McGinley at five-under.