Harmony restored

Harmony has been restored again among the 10 members of the FIC board, and most of them are expected to attend a strategy meeting…

Harmony has been restored again among the 10 members of the FIC board, and most of them are expected to attend a strategy meeting in the Spa Hotel, Lucan, today and tomorrow.

The president, Pat McQuaid, will not be involved as he is abroad. In his capacity as organiser of the Tour of the Philippines, McQuaid is out there looking over the route for next year's race in April. He is unopposed to continue as FIC president for the final year of his term in 1999.

Some of the other board members either resigned or expressed their intention to do so because of lack of leadership with so much work to be done, but the cracks have been papered over and the federation's eight-year project will be discussed at the meeting.

Richie Beatty has accepted the invitation to remain in the part-time position of national team director, but he is to have talks with some of the top men on the board about plans for the future. He also has long-term ideas and does not want the job to be just on a year-to-year basis.


Beatty intended to step down as president of the Leinster Federation at their annual meeting on Sunday, but, as nobody else was willing to take over, he will continue in that role, too.

Following Tommy Campbell's decision not to seek re-election to the FIC board as publicity officer at the annual meeting on November 28th, he is not going forward for the Leinster committee again either - he was secretary and PRO. Campbell, who has served as a top official in Irish cycling for 30 years, has decided to bow out.

Paddy Doran, who has responsibility for FIC coaching, said there was a satisfactory attendance of 12 at the Connacht level one course for coaches at Tuam last weekend; the boost provided by Mark Scanlon's world junior championship success is particularly noticeable in that province.