Heathers making hay

It can be difficult keeping pace with one's children, especially in matters sporting

It can be difficult keeping pace with one's children, especially in matters sporting. Not that last weekend's announcement of Dougie Heather as a director of International Sports Management (ISM) had anything to do with the recent golfing exploits of his son, Nicholas. But from the dad's standpoint, it was a happy coincidence.

Nicholas, a 14-year-old playing off 12, had a hole-in-one recently on the wickedly tricky, 108-yard sixth at Sutton GC. Then, two days later, he had the effrontery to ace the hole again, with the same pitching wedge. Naturally, as a former international and a past-captain of the club, it was left to the father to buy the celebratory drinks.

Back in 1990, Heather was coming to the end of his own competitive golfing career when he played in the Irish Close at Baltray. There, Garth McGimpsey asked if he would have a chat with Darren Clarke, who was contemplating a professional career. As things turned out, Heather found himself talking to the winner of the championship.

He remembered how former tournament professional, Chubby Chandler, had told him he was getting into golf management because "I've made every mistake there is to make and I know how important it is to do things right." Heather introduced Clarke to Chandler, then owner of an embryonic ISM, and the rest is history, quite lucrative history, as was seen at the K Club last weekend.


Incidentally, I visited Sutton's new clubhouse this week and it's a credit to all concerned. A brilliant structure in every detail.