ICRA to address offshore decline

SAILING: Further details of the Irish Cruiser Racing Association's response to the issue of declining interest in offshore racing…

SAILING:Further details of the Irish Cruiser Racing Association's response to the issue of declining interest in offshore racing have emerged over the weekend.

"There's simply been no demand that we have had to respond to and there has been a definite lifestyle change," explained Fintan Cairns, ICRA Commodore. "Offshore sailing certainly is not dead but whether it happens on a regular basis is another matter. Everything now is event led."

Nevertheless, its an issue that is not going to be ignored according to Cairns. The association will be launching a number of initiatives in the new year and also announced a number of passage races to events such as Cork Week. The association is also examining the possibility of appointing a special representative for the offshore sector to hopefully foster more interest and participation.

Meanwhile, Conor and Denise Phelan's Jump Juice has won the ICRA's annual Boat of the Year award. Eamon Rohan's Blondie was runner-up while on the offshore front, Ger O'Rourke's Fastnet Race winner Chieftain came in for meritorious mention as did Eric Lisson's classic cruiser-racer Cavatina.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times