Irish Squad Survey

1. Have you ever been offered performance-enhancing drugs?

1. Have you ever been offered performance-enhancing drugs?

The response was unequivocal. Every player contacted denied that they had ever been offered performance-enhancing substances, although two players candidly volunteered that purchasing such products would not be a problem if one wished to pursue that avenue.

2. Have you ever undergone a drugs test in relation into rugby.

Of the players who responded, 18 pointed out that they have undergone drug testing during their careers, some more so than others. Two players have been tested on five separate occasions while 15 players have never been screened for drugs after a rugby match. The vast majority of tests carried out were taken after international matches with just a few taken after club or provincial games.


3. How would you penalise drugs cheats?

In this question it was emphasised that the positive test would relate to anabolic steroids as opposed to medication taken in error. Eight players advocated a maximum life ban from the sport with no chance of remission, arguing that the most severe penalty would dissuade potential cheats. They maintain that anyone considering taking anabolic steroids would be aware of the career threatening risk involved.

Only one player opted for a ban of less than two years, suggesting that anything more than 12 months would be very harsh for a first offence. Two players said that they did not know what would constitute an appropriate ban as they had no real experience of the issue.