Kanoute caught out

West Ham's Freddie Kanoute came over all funny at training last week when he spotted his all-time hero and favourite singer Elton…

West Ham's Freddie Kanoute came over all funny at training last week when he spotted his all-time hero and favourite singer Elton John arriving at pitch-side. "I've got all your records, it's so great to meet you," he cooed, according to the Sun. It took Freddie a while to recover from the experience, longer still when he heard the bloke was professional Elton impersonator and look-alike Roy Johnson who's a big West Ham fan and reckoned dressing up as Elt would be his best chance of meeting the players.

Freddie is, reportedly, mortified - as are the several other West Ham players who queued up to have their photos taken with "Elton". All of which appeared in the Sun. Do we sniff a sting?

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times