Kelleher not happy in limbo

Gaelic Games: Dublin hurling manager Humphrey Kelleher has criticised the Leinster Council's failure to resolve the substitution…

Gaelic Games: Dublin hurling manager Humphrey Kelleher has criticised the Leinster Council's failure to resolve the substitution controversy surrounding the Westmeath-Kildare championship match of last Sunday week. Ian O'Riordan reports

A final decision on the possible disqualification of Westmeath for their apparent illegal use of a sixth substitute is not expected until next Tuesday at the earliest, and in the meantime Dublin are left without a championship date and named opponents.

Dublin were due to meet the winners of the Westmeath-Kildare tie in either Mullingar or Newbridge this Sunday. Having established last week that Westmeath had a case to answer, the Leinster Council met on Monday night for the second time to examine the controversy.

Westmeath then claimed "procedural problems" had taken place in the investigation and, as a result, the Leinster Council felt they were left with no option but to postpone the match and investigate the facts again.


"There was a procedural problem indicated to us," said Leinster Council secretary Michael Delaney. "We felt we had to go back and look at it, obviously because we want to make as fair and as honest a decision on this as we can. But we can't expand on the problem any more than that.

"Of course it's not ideal for Dublin, and we're aware of that, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of it over the weekend and make a final decision next Tuesday night."

For Kelleher, however, the news that his first championship outing as Dublin manager has been left floating was particularly difficult to stomach. Among his many concerns was the implications for his dual players, and primarily Conal Keaney.

The Ballyboden St Enda's player was certain to play with the hurlers had the game gone ahead on Sunday. But if it is refixed for the following weekend it creates a clash with the Dublin footballers and their first championship outing, also against Westmeath.

"This has seriously upset our plans," said Kelleher, "no question about it. This Sunday had been etched in our minds ever since the championship draw was made, so to find out now that the game is not going to happen as scheduled is a huge disappointment. We had it fairly well sussed as well with dual players before this, but now it gets muddied again.

"And it's very hard to train a team for a championship match when you don't know when you're playing and who you're playing against. But this whole thing touches on the bigger issue, and the way GAA runs some of its affairs. I really wonder should we be questioning the systems that are in place that allows this type of thing to happen.

"It shouldn't be acceptable for this to happen when, to me anyway, it's quite clear a rule was either broken or it wasn't. If the rules are laid down to deal with these situations then so be it."

Kelleher suggests that greater power should to be given to county boards or special investigating committees when it comes to dealing with such pressing matters: "A referee is given the power and authority to interpret things as he sees it. And I think committees and chairmen of various groups should have that type of leeway as well. We've often spoken about the interpretation of rules allowed by the referee, and that should be the same when it comes to the boardroom.

"So I think we lack common sense in situations like this and get too embroiled in bureaucracy. I think that's one thing the GAA should look at, that they put people in place to make decisions when clearly decisions need to be made."

Westmeath have gained some sympathy in that they beat Kildare comfortably (1-18 to 1-6) to set up their date with Dublin. However, it appears six subs were used, whether or not approved by the fourth official.

Kelleher attended the game and admitted Westmeath were clearly superior, and yet the warnings against such an infringement have gained significant airing in recent seasons.

"I could cite numerous occasions in the past where teams have been landed in circumstances like this," he added. "Maybe county teams should have someone else in place to make sure something like this doesn't even come into question."