Kuper likely to stay on if senior players re-enlist

WOMEN'S HOCKEY: Riet Kuper will make a decision on her future as Irish senior women's coach after she meets her squad in Dublin…

WOMEN'S HOCKEY: Riet Kuper will make a decision on her future as Irish senior women's coach after she meets her squad in Dublin on Sunday. While the indications are that the Irish Hockey Association (IHA), who met Kuper at the weekend, want her to remain in her post until September's European Nations Cup at least, she admits that she may resign if a significant number of her senior players decide to retire.

"I would say that I will probably go on for another year, I would like to do that," said Kuper, "but I will have a word with the players at the weekend and then I will make a decision. I can cope with two or three going, but if it is six or seven then you have to start all over again and I'm not too sure I would do that.

"I hope it won't be that many. A lot of the players are in doubt about their future, but after the weekend I will know a little bit more. It would be better if I knew then, but some of the older players have asked for a little bit longer to make up their minds. I haven't spoken to most of the younger players yet, but I am hopeful that they will all play on."

As many as eight of the squad which played in the World Cup last year are understood to be contemplating retirement: captain Rachael Kohler, Tara Browne, Arlene Boyles, Jenny Burke, Karen Humphreys, Laura Lee, Claire McMahon and Daphne Sixsmith. But some may be tempted to carry on until the Europeans in Barcelona.


Kuper admitted to being pleased with her meeting with IHA officials at the weekend, saying she did not detect any desire on their part for her to leave her post.

"We had a good chat and evaluated things, talked about last year," she said. "I've put in a programme (for the build-up to Barcelona), but we haven't really discussed that yet, but the meeting went fine."

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times