Lasenby's Olympic bid fails

The final line-up of sailors for the Irish Olympic Team was confirmed in Kiel, Germany yesterday when Laser Jon Lasenby narrowly…

The final line-up of sailors for the Irish Olympic Team was confirmed in Kiel, Germany yesterday when Laser Jon Lasenby narrowly missed his final selection result after a long campaign. The penultimate day of the last European Grade One event before Sydney had seen the National Yacht Club single-hander hold 11th place by nation - one place inside the criteria.

However, the final day ended with Lasenby in 14th place by nation, and therefore ineligible to be nominated by the Irish Sailing Association to the Olympic Council of Ireland.

One person who will be travelling to Sydney is Maria Coleman in the Europe single-hander. After a moderate start to Kiel Week, the Baltimore sailor scored fifth place overall when the series ended yesterday, maintaining her record of top-10 finishes over the last 15 months. The other team single-hander is David Burrows, who wasn't competing in Germany.

The third boat in the squad will be the Star class duo of Mark Mansfield and David O'Brien, who ended Kiel in 12th place.

David Branigan

David Branigan

David Branigan is a contributor on sailing to The Irish Times