Lisson out to clear name

SAILING: Last month's Round Ireland race winner Eric Lisson has asked the national authority to take action against one of his…

SAILING: Last month's Round Ireland race winner Eric Lisson has asked the national authority to take action against one of his fellow Royal Cork Yacht club members following allegations of a "gross breach of sportsmanship".

Lisson says there has been a campaign mounted against him over the accuracy of the rating handicap of his yacht Cavatina. He has sought a hearing to be carried out by the Irish Sailing Association (ISA) under rule 69 of the international rules of sailing to clear his name.

In a further move to vindicate his position Lisson also asked the Royal Ocean Racing club's Mike Irwin, in Ireland for Ford Cork week regatta, to carry out further comprehensive checks on his boat to ensure he had complied with all measurement criteria.

Irwin subsequently issued a letter, seen by The Irish Times, confirming the handicap status was in order. The letter concluded: "It is plainly apparent that both you and she (Cavatina) are well prepared. It seems, therefore, that the fact that you are winning races, particularly offshore, is more a reflection on your and your crews skills."


Yesterday an ISA spokesman confirmed receipt of the report from Lisson but declined to comment further on a matter it viewed as "subjudice".

Since his June win Lisson says he has been deeply offended by persistent rumours casting doubt on his IRC rating certificate. "My Round Ireland race win has been ruined for me and my crew and I have taken this action in an effort to clear my name," he says.

Cavatina's rating had been the subject of a difference of opinion at Royal Cork earlier this year and allegedly led to the drawing up of a petition being circulated at the Crosshaven club to have the yacht removed from class one of local racing.

It is understood the person, or persons, behind the petition are named in this week's letter to the national authority by Lisson but so far, no-one has been interviewed by the ISA in relation to this.

When a national authority receives a report alleging gross misconduct, it can, if it deems it appropriate, conduct a hearing.

The last time the ISA tribunal met in such circumstances was over an incident during the Wicklow sailing club-hosted 2000 Round Ireland race.

On that occasion the tribunal decided to take no further action but it does have the power to take disciplinary action, including suspending eligibility, permanently or for a specified period, to compete in events held within its jurisdiction.

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

David O'Brien, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a former world Fireball sailing champion and represented Ireland in the Star keelboat at the 2000 Olympics