Mad Hatter's box

This week it's Cork Constitution captain Ultan O'Callaghan (right) to enter the spotlight.

This week it's Cork Constitution captain Ultan O'Callaghan (right) to enter the spotlight.

1. Favourite line from a movie? "Nice Beaver," Leslie Neilson as Captain Frank Drebbin in Naked Gun 33 and a third.

2. What book are you reading at the moment? "The Long Road Home, Nelson Mandela's autobiography. I was on honeymoon recently in South Africa and just came across it. I have huge respect for the man and what he has both endured and achieved. It should be an inspiration for what we can achieve here. It's a superb book, offering his thoughts as a young man with the tribes to his accession to power in South Africa."

3. What two things/people would you bring to a Desert Island? "Cameron Diaz and a Play Station. After all, I would need someone with whom to play."


4. What's your nickname? "Rusty. I can't believe I'm telling you this. It means I'm going to be called this for evermore. I got it as a child. My grandfather was called Rusty and being slightly red headed I sort of inherited the nickname from him. Ultie is the other one."

5. Loaded Men's Magazine or Rugby World? "Oh, definitely Loaded. I would rather read about lovely girls than David Corkery." 6. Favourite other sport? "Hurling. It's god's game and they must be playing it in heaven. I came from a gaelic background where the sliothar and hurl were king. When I got too big and too slow I took up rugby. I'd watch hurling at the drop of a hat. I think it is the best amateur field sport in the world. Beach Volleyball would be a close second."