Manner of play just as big a point

The lazy description for these kinds of Irish performances is always a "battling display"

The lazy description for these kinds of Irish performances is always a "battling display". Well, that description doesn't fit here because they didn't have to battle - it was a controlled performance, we dictated the pace of the game and we kept passing the ball. An excellent result, and an even better performance.

What impressed me most was the manner in which we played football. The rest of the things I take for granted, we have them in abundance - work-rate, team spirit, all that - but against France we just played really, really good football, it was so impressive.

We started positively and that set the tone for the rest of the game, even that 15-minute spell in the second half when we were under pressure. We never cracked, we kept our composure and played our way out of trouble.

Roy Keane and Kevin Kilbane, for me, were the base for the performance, they set the tone. The best thing about Keane's performance was his use of the ball.


Even when your legs can no longer carry you into certain areas you don't ever forget how to use the ball, how to pass it. It was very simple, he just didn't give it away.

I'd seen Kilbane a few times for Everton in that same position, alongside Thomas Graveson, and he's tailor-made for it. He's game, and even if he's not playing very well he never hides, doesn't shirk a tackle, gets in the opposition's penalty area, very unselfish.

When you play as a full back or on the wing, which Kilbane did for most of his career, and then start to play inside, the game suddenly becomes easier because you don't have the restrictions of the line - the pitch becomes massive. It's a very simple, obvious thing, but it really is true.

It happened to me at Liverpool, I played at full back on occasions, but when I moved to the middle I used to think "hmm, this is good". You can plonk it 20 yards left, 20 yards right, no problem. Everything opens up, it just seems easier.

Initially, when Kilbane played for Ireland, on the left, he played like he thought the crowd wanted him to play, which is understandable, you want to please people. But now, with experience, he's just a different player. He's actually been playing like that for quite a while now, especially for Everton, and, against France, I thought he and Keane were excellent.

And, before he had to go off, Clinton Morrison played as well as I've ever seen him play. I don't mean in terms of making chances, I mean in terms of understanding how you play away from home if you're a striker: hold the ball up, be a nuisance, good movement, a bit of aggression.

I saw a different player in Paris. I'm still not convinced we'll get it every time, but it's in there. It's not as though Brian Kerr is trying to coach something that will never come out because we saw it in this game. He did well.

Morrison and Robbie Keane caused the centre backs lots of problems, but they kept the whole back four occupied - while Morrison was on the pitch William Gallas barely got forward; when Morrison went off Gallas became France's main threat down the right.

Playing Steve Finnan on the right of midfield worked, he did well, although he won't want to stay there, he prefers it at full back. Duff was excellent, in terms of covering, tackling back, and Kenny Cunningham and Andy O'Brien did well, as did the full backs.

Shay Given? Well, we might all be thinking "if only John O'Shea had scored when he had the chance", but in all honesty Shay made the save of the game.

I just get a little bit excited now about this team. We've got the essentials, we always work hard, we're strong, we're tough mentally, but when you look around the team and see some of the players we have - Duff, Roy Keane, Robbie Keane, Andy Reid - you start to believe this team can really kick on now.

We've played the most difficult games - France and Switzerland away - but in some ways our two biggest results have still to come: home and away to Israel, especially away. I think those games will determine where we finish in this group because they are a potential banana skin.

But so far so good. We've had a very professional performance at home to Cyprus, we got away with a little bit away to Switzerland, we played very well away to France. Early days, we've only played three games, but if they can get it right on Wednesday against the Faroe Islands, as they should, it will have been a perfect start to the group.

As for the Irish support in Paris - well, astonishing. The best I've seen since New Jersey. Everything about it was absolutely fantastic - and it does make a difference when you're a player when you see support like that away from home.

A perfect night.