McIlroy to practise with Els today

WHO BETTER than to impart some knowledge about the nuances of Wentworth, especially since its redesign, than Ernie Els, a six…

WHO BETTER than to impart some knowledge about the nuances of Wentworth, especially since its redesign, than Ernie Els, a six-time winner of the World Matchplay Championship on the West Course . . . and also the man who came up with the course changes?

Rory McIlroy, as mature a 19-year-old as there is on the golfing planet, knows full well that the practice round his manager Chubby Chandler has set-up for him with Els today ahead of the BMW PGA Championship - which starts on Thursday - will prove invaluable.

McIlroy's only previous experience of tournaments at Wentworth came when he was brought there as a spectator by his parents to see the World Matchplay. "The first year I went, was the year Sergio (Garcia) kicked his shoe off and hit someone. That was in 1998, when Mark O'Meara beat Tiger Woods . . . and I was also there when Woosie (Ian Woosnam) beat Padraig (Harrington) in 2001."

The Ulster teenager has actually played the course before, along with Sam Torrance's son, Daniel. But that was before Els implemented the course changes.


"Hopefully Ernie will give me a few tips and it should be a good week. It is a ball striker's course, and I am striking it well. I've a lot of confidence going in there," said McIlroy, who had his first top-10 finish of the season at the Irish Open.

Philip Reid

Philip Reid

Philip Reid is Golf Correspondent of The Irish Times