Off the beaten track

Scotland's left wing Kenny Logan (left) doesn't pussyfoot around when it comes to venting his feelings

Scotland's left wing Kenny Logan (left) doesn't pussyfoot around when it comes to venting his feelings. Nor is he content to hide behind the platitudes that many sportsmen favour. In an interview in the Scottish edition of the Daily Express, the London-based player (Wasps) was asked what was his favourite film? "Braveheart. I like to see the English get a tanking. If we can't beat them on the rugby field, we might as well enjoy beating them in a movie."

Spare a thought for Argentinian-born, Australian citizen Patricio Noriega. The Wallaby prop has returned home with a pinched nerve in his shoulder becoming the first player to prematurely depart from the World Cup. The former Puma managed a week in Portmarnock and not much else, having to sit out many of the sessions. Rod Moore, his replacement is due to arrive in Dublin today.

The way things are going those involved in disciplinary hearings are going to have their hands full at RWC `99. Colin Charvis (Wales) and Roberto Grau (Argentina) are due to attend a hearing today after being cited. Tomorrow it is the turn of Spanish lock forward Jose Miguel Villau who has been cited for punching in the game against Spain. Definitely a case of gloves off as the IRB pull no punches on the disciplinary issue at the tournament.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer