Angling notes: Britain’s withdrawal from London Fisheries Convention ‘unwelcome’

On Lough Inagh Fishery in Recess, Co Galway, water levels rose and a good run of fresh fish entered the system

John Chestnutt with the 3kg (6lb 10oz) trout he caught on Lough Mask.

Following the statement last week that the UK government is withdrawing from the 1964 London Fisheries Convention, the Minister for the Marine, Michael Creed issued the following edited response.

The announcement by the UK Government is unwelcome and unhelpful, however, it will have no immediate effect as the withdrawal process will take two years and form part of the Brexit negotiations.

The Convention grants rights to neighbouring countries to fish in each other’s six to 12 miles fishing zones based on historic fishing activity. The Irish fishing fleet has access to parts of the UK six-12 mile zone as has the UK fleet to parts of the Irish zone.

These access rights were incorporated into the EU Common Fisheries Policy when we joined the EU.


“Brexit poses very serious challenges to the seafood sector and this announcement will form part of the negotiations,” the minister said.

*On Lough Inagh Fishery in Recess, Co Galway, water levels rose and a good run of fresh fish entered the system throughout June. On the salmon front, 39 salmon were recorded and John Dardis from Kildare was off the mark with the first fish of 2017 at The Derryclare Butts on a Cascade.

The river beats yielded 21 fish and Lough Inagh 18 fish. Notable catches included Joe Creane (Galway) over two days landed four salmon (he had two on together!) on a fly pattern of his own. Simon McNamara fished the Bridge Pool at Greenpoint for an afternoon and landed three grilse on a Kingsmill and Connemara Black.

Andy Walsh (Galway) returned a 4.76kg fish caught on a Connemara Black on the lake and Cyril Conlon (Galway) released one of 5.44kg at The Butts on a size 12 Jungle Alex.

A total of 42 sea trout and 48 browns were also recorded with the sea trout averaging .80kg and in perfect condition. Water is forecast for the coming days so the fishing should continue. Info and bookings to Lough Inagh Lodge, 095-34706,

*Anglers on Carrowmore Lake enjoyed good sea trout fishing complemented with the odd fresh grilse. Tom Walsh from Kildare and Franz Kayzer, Bangor Erris and Germany, had a fresh grilse each, while regular visitor Eddie Rowe, caught a fine 1.36kg sea trout and a grilse (both released). Best flies included Green Peter, Noon Zulu and various Muddler patterns.

Please note Carrowmore Lake is a brown tag fishery this year! For fishing, contact Seamus Henry on +353 (0)97 83487 or see

*Fishing conditions on the Moy continued to be good with a reported catch of 594 salmon caught throughout the system.

The Moy Fishery saw its best week of the season so far with over 50 salmon. On the Ridge Pool, Steve Hazeldine, UK, had a cracking 5.4kg fish on fly, while James Ryan, Sligo, caught two (one released) on the Weir Pool, also on fly.

*After a number of poor weeks, sea trout fishing improved on the Moy Estuary. Judd Ruane, skipper of Pegasus, reported good fishing for his clients. Fishing mackerel strip or sandeel proved the most successful method and produced fish up to 1.1kg.

To book sea trout fishing, contact Judd on +353 (0)87 673 6969.

*John Chestnutt from Kildare caught a fine trout of 3kg (6lb 10oz) on Lough Mask while fishing with his friend Tony O’Donnell. The fish fell to a Hare’s Ear Peter pattern.

*It’s not every day of the week we hear of a new fishing club forming and when the emphasis is on juniors then it deserves all the help it can get. Such is the case with Leon Bradley. “It’s an idea I’ve had for years and now it has become a reality”, he said.

‘Cardiff Inn Anglers’ is based in the Finglas area of Dublin and will concentrate on all facets of the sport including sea, coarse and pike angling. Perhaps its main objective is to teach those new to the sport on how to fish.

The club’s first outing to Monaghan for pike was a great success and although fishing was hard, some nice pike were landed including one of 5.49kg (12lb 2oz). (On a personal note, may I wish the Cardiff anglers every success in the future.)

*The new Usher’s Lake Angling Initiative in Swords, Co Dublin continues to go from strength to strength. Over the past few months a big ‘clean up’ operation has seen the lake transformed in terms of shoreline debris and water quality.

Today, the emphasis is on fundraising and perhaps top of the list is the construction of some fishing stands. In this context a table quiz was held last weekend which raised over €800. Sincere thanks were conveyed to the main sponsors Swords Angling Centre and Inland Fisheries Ireland.

*Entries are now being accepted for the 61st World Cup trout fly angling championship. The event will take place on Lough Mask from 3rd to 7th August, 2017 with fishing out from Cushlough Bay in Ballinrobe, Co Mayo.

Closing date for entries is Thursday, 20th July and must include entry fee of €130 to Esther Sweeney, 30 Lakelawns, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo. Tel: 087-2222 867.
