Angling Notes: Irish Wheelchair Association’s fishing day

29 teams of 4 each competed on the Grand Canal at Lucan

Isabelle McCarthy (9), from Clonbur and Los Angeles, caught this 56kg (1lb 4 oz) on a Green Peter dap close to Red Island on Lough Mask 2.

I was delighted to accept an invitation to attend the annual Irish Wheelchair Association fishing day, now in its 12 year, on the Grand Canal last week. The view from the 12th Lock Bridge at Lucan was a sight to behold as 29 teams, each with four competitors, took up positions along the banks of the canal.

Weather conditions were excellent and the craic and camaraderie mighty as I chatted with groups along the canal walk. Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) had supplemented the stretch with 500 rudd, but the fish played hardball. This mattered little to the anglers – it was all about enjoying the day! In all, six fish took the bait.

Later at the IWA Lucan Centre, music blared and burgers sizzled at the customary outdoor “nosh up”. Alas, the heavens opened and, for the first time, the prize-giving was confined to indoors.

Ciaran McLoughlin, manager at Lucan, said: "I would like to thank all those who came along today, especially those who travelled long distances. I would also like to sincerely thank IFI and Waterways Ireland for their tremendous assistance in making the day such a wonderful success. This event is our biggest here in Lucan."


Added Janet Healy, service support officer: “Thanks also to Starbucks, Total Events Centre and the local businesses for their continued support.”

Presenting the prizes, IFI chief executive Ciaran Byrne said IFI his organisation was delighted to be involved in this great day, with so many teams from around the country interested in angling. “We may be hatching a different plan for next year,” he said.

Results: 1, Clontarf; 2, Athlone; 3, Navan.

Detective courses east and west

Ken Whelan’s popular freshwater detective courses are available for the first time both east and west of the Shannon during October and November.

The east course will teach students the basics of becoming a freshwater detective and how to read a river corridor or lakeshore and to detect the presence of key predators such as otter and mink.

Dates and venues: UCD Belfield: six Mondays, 7-9pm. Classroom: October 3, 10, 17, 24, November 7, 14. Field trips: October 15, 22, November 5. Fee: €195. Booking:, 01-716 7123.

Going west, Dr Whelan is excited to announce that, working with Delphi Resort, he has devised a unique, field-based, freshwater detective course. Radiating out from Aasleagh Lodge on the river Erriff, he will guide you on a trek along the banks of pristine waters, follow otter and mink trails, and catch a glimpse of the bird predators such as herons, mergansers and kingfisher.

You will visit rivers which are home to the sea trout and wild Atlantic salmon. Learn how a range of predators interact with these and the native brown trout and arctic char. Dr Whelan will teach you how to identify insects and invertebrates in the rivers and streams.

The adventure will include visits to tributaries of the Erriff such as the Glenlaur Stream and Tawnyard Lough, and also neighbouring catchments including the Carrowniskey River.

Course prices: 2-day course without accommodation, with 2 lunches and 1 dinner: €220 per person. 2-day course with accommodation, 2 lunches, 1 dinner and nights’ B&B in Aasleagh Lodge: €299 per person sharing.

Venue: Aasleagh Lodge, Erriff River, Tawnyard Lough and Carrowniskey River. Dates: Dates: October 7-9, November 18-20. Bookings: 095-42208,

Shark bait

John Fleming, skipper of the Brazen Hussy II, continues to enjoy good shark fishing with his guests. Fishing out of Rossaveal offers quick access to the shark grounds west of Aran, and last Sunday his group had nine blues to the boat, ranging from 4.5kg-40kg.

Fleming expects the season to continue to the end of October at least, and has some dates still available. To enquire about bookings, call 087-7571320.

Best in Connemara

Brian Curran reports on good fishing for sea trout and brown trout in south Connemara. On a day with little wind and numerous midges, Fergus Byrne had 14 sea trout (best .79kg, most 0.5kg). All were in good condition and showing no sign of lice.

Ugga Beag, the first lake on the Crumlin system, has fished well for sea trout since July and continues with catches of good size fish. Best flies: Olive Bumble, Claret Bumble, Black Pennell, Watsons Fancy and Connemara Black.

Boats can be hired at 087-250 9722, or see