Michael Schumacher’s lawyer denies claims he can walk as family sue

Contrary to magazine’s claims he is unable to stand, even with the assistance of therapists

Retired seven-times Formula One world champion Michael Schumacher is still unable to walk after his accident. Photograph: Tim Chong/Reuters

Michael Schumacher’s lawyer has denied, in a court case against a German magazine, claims that the seven-times Formula One world champion can walk again.

Schumacher’s family is suing Bunte after it quoted an unnamed friend of the 47-year-old’s who said he was able to walk “a couple of steps” following his skiing accident in the Alps in December 2013.

Schumacher spent six months in a coma after hitting his head on a rock and has been cared for since at his house in Switzerland.

Felix Damm told the court "he cannot walk" and was unable to stand even with the assistance of therapists.


The original report last December featured a picture of Schumacher on the cover with the headline “He can walk again”.

“Michael is very thin,” the friend commented. “But he can once again walk a little with the help of his therapists. He manages to make a couple of steps. And he can also raise an arm.”

That was described as "irresponsible" by Schumacher's manager Sabine Kehm. "Unfortunately, we are forced by a recent press report to clarify that the assertion that Michael could move again is not true," she said. "Such speculation is irresponsible because given the seriousness of his injuries, his privacy is very important for Michael. Unfortunately they also give false hopes to many involved people."

In February, Kehm said that she hoped Schumacher “will be here again one day” after reports that his condition has worsened. A verdict in the court case against Bunte is expected next month.

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