Nearly four in 10 people actively involved in sport

Figures show 50 per cent more men play sport than their female counterparts

Nearly 38 per cent of the population is actively involved in sport, according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office on Monday.

The figures, which relate to people over the age of 15 during the second quarter of 2013, show almost 73 per cent of the population is physically active but when those who walk, either recreationally or out of necessity, are excluded it leaves 37.9 per cent physically active in sport.

Over 50 per cent more men play sport than their female counterparts, with 45.7 per cent of the male population actively engaged in activities other than walking, compared to 30.1 per cent of women.

However, 64.2 per cent of women walk recreationally as opposed to 53.1 of men. Together, nearly six in 10 (58.8 per cent) people walk for recreational purposes.


Of those who neither participate in sport, nor walk, 14.4 per cent are men and 15 per cent are women, leaving a mean figure of 14.7 per cent.

A “lack of time (nearly 35 per cent)” is the most common reason given for not being physically active, ahead of “illness, injury or disability” (29 per cent). Nearly one fifth (18.8 per cent) said main reason was “lack of motivation”.