NFL to reschedule Tennessee v Pittsburgh game due to Covid-19

Titans players and staff have tested positive for coronavirus

Tennessee Titans’ games against the Pittsburgh Steelers that was set to be played on Sunday in Nashville will be rescheduled. Photograph: Rick Musacchio/EPA

Tennessee’s game against the Pittsburgh Steelers that was set to be played on Sunday in Nashville will be rescheduled after several Titans players and staff tested positive for the coronavirus, the NFL said on Wednesday.

The National Football League said in a statement that more time is needed for further daily Covid-19 testing to ensure the health and safety of players. A new game date and time on either Monday or Tuesday will be announced as soon as possible.

The week three match-up between the two undefeated teams is the first NFL contest disrupted by the virus that has forced the bulk of the league’s 32 clubs to play in empty or near empty stadiums.

The Titans closed their facilities earlier this week after three players and five team personnel tested positive for the virus following their Sunday game against the host Minnesota Vikings. A fourth Titans player has since tested positive.