Rowing: Irish crews hit by cancellation of London Head

Organisers believe stretches of Thames might be dangerous with high winds forecast

Calm conditions like this are not expected in London

One of the big events of the year, the Eights Head of the River in London was cancelled – after Irish crews had already arrived in the city. “The committee have been monitoring the weather forecast over the last few days and due to the strength and direction of the wind and in light of the difficulties encountered at the Schools Head, we have reluctantly taken the decision to cancel this year’s race on the safety grounds,” the organisers said.

“We recognise and understand the disappointment that this will cause for all competitors and others due to be involved in the race; however; safety simply must come first.”

Commercial, the Irish champions, and UCD put crews on the water for training pieces after the announcement and conditions were very good. It is understood that the organisers believed that certain stretches of the Thames might be dangerous in the winds that are forecast for Saturday.

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman

Liam Gorman is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in rowing