Search for Billy Walsh’s replacement to begin next week

Walsh was unveiled as the USA women’s boxing coach on Wednesday

Former Ireland boxing coach Billy Walsh at the recent World Championships in Doha. Photo: Ryan Byrne/Inpho

The IABA will meet next Wednesday to begin the selection of a permanent replacement for former head coach Billy Walsh. Zaur Antia, the Georgian assistant to Walsh, who now has residency in Bray, Co Wicklow, is the interim replacement.

Sport Ireland and the IABA said they would work closely as a matter of urgency to arrive at agreement over who the candidate will be.

Despite their history of distrust both parties agreed that Ireland’s elite team of boxers who have qualified for Rio next year – Michael Conlan, Joe Ward and Paddy Barnes – should not be adversely affected by the departure of Walsh. Other Irish boxers may qualify through a process next year. “Billy Walsh has departed and we wish him well in the USA. It is important to put on record our appreciation of his contribution to Irish sport,” said Sport Ireland.

“However, he leaves a legacy. There are exceptionally talented boxers, coaches and service providers within the IABA system that will continue to perform and hopefully excel at Rio 2016. We have confidence in them and will continue to support them.”


Joe Christle, chairman of the IABA board, said that if an independent review into the issues that led to the departure of Walsh to US Boxing were to be instigated, it would participate. "We are confident we can work with Sport Ireland going into the future," said Christle. "If a review is instigated we are happy to co-operate."

Chairman of Sport Ireland Kieran Mulvey reiterated that funding for Rio-bound boxers would not reduced.

“Funding to the IABA would not be touched but there are certain governance issues . . . we will work those out as what we need to do. We are both committed to ensuring nothing upsets Rio,” said Mulvey.

Ulster’s high performance director, John Conlan, who is Michael Conlan’s father and coach, Eddie Bolger and Antia were cited as having the expertise to succeed Walsh.

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson

Johnny Watterson is a sports writer with The Irish Times