Three Rock Rovers regain Leinster hockey indoor title with win over Railway Union

Hat-tricks from Jody Hosking and Ross Canning inspired Three Rock Rovers to regain title

Kenny Carroll was an influencial figure in helping Three Rock Rover win back the Leinster indoor title. Photograph: Inpho

Three Rock Rovers 10 Railway Union 7 Hat-tricks from Jody Hosking and Ross Canning inspired Three Rock Rovers to win back the Leinster indoor title from arch rivals Railway Union last evening 10-7 in the final.

It was level five times before the Rathfarnham side pulled clear in the closing 10 minutes with Canning hitting form. With a two-goal wedge, Railway swapped out their goalkeeper in favour of an extra outfielder but the move backfired and Alan White and Fred Morris netted to seal the deal.

Hosking – named played of the tournament – had made the early inroads with his three goals all coming in the first half with Kenny Carroll and Nick Tate strong influences. Railway looked the side in the ascendancy midway through the second half with Mateusz Nowakowski completing his hat-trick to make it 6-6 before Rovers’ late volley. Indeed, it was one of the highest quality finals of recent times after the indoor game looks to bounce back after some lean times. The competition grew to nine teams this year.

Railway and Three Rock advance to the national finals in Ulster next weekend.