Quigley's Rovers bid

News: Newcastle businessman Brian Quigley is now understood to be the leading contender to take over troubled Eircom League …

News: Newcastle businessman Brian Quigley is now understood to be the leading contender to take over troubled Eircom League club Shamrock Rovers.

The insurance millionaire, who is of Irish descent, is a friend and business associate of Brooks Mileson, who has helped the Scottish side Gretna's rise from non-league football to the second division with extensive funds; and Quigley also has a limited involvement with the Scottish outfit.

Mileson himself was yesterday linked with a bid for Rovers, but firmly denied such a move last week in the Scottish media.

It is reported, however, that he may take a back-seat role in the event that Quigley's bid, one of a number, still being considered by examiner Leo Hughes, is successful.

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone

Emmet Malone is Work Correspondent at The Irish Times