Quinlan to learn appeal verdict today

Alan Quinlan will find out later today the outcome of his appeal of a six-week suspension

Alan Quinlan will find out later today the outcome of his appeal of a six-week suspension. The decision was handed out by an independent disciplinary committee convened by ERC for an alleged stamping incident in Munster's Heineken European Cup game against Cardiff at Thomond Park on Saturday, December 16th.

An independent disciplinary committee, chaired by Christopher Quinlan ( England) and also comprising Bruce Reece-Russel (England) and Iain Goodall ( Scotland) had heard the citing lodged by the citing commissioner for the match, Alan Mansell (England).

They found Quinlan had been in contravention of Law: 10.4 (b) - Stamping or trampling: A player must not stamp or trample on an opponent.

An independent appeal committee reconvened in Dublin yesterday - the complexity of the case meant it ran longer than its assigned slot last week - under the chairmanship of Scotland's Rod McKenzie but were not in a position to give a ruling at 5.30pm having convened at 1.15pm.


The committee gave an undertaking to communicate their decision to both parties today. As things stand Quinlan is set to miss both of Munster's upcoming European games.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan is an Irish Times sports writer