Quotes of the week

"People always expect more from me than other players, something different, something special, but at the end of the day, thank…

"People always expect more from me than other players, something different, something special, but at the end of the day, thank God, I do have some weaknesses in my game. If I was perfect I would not be playing for Tottenham, I would be in a team like Milan or Barcelona."

- David Ginola (who else?) reveals he has flaws and that's why he plays for Spurs. Isn't that what he meant?

"I have lost my temper before and I will do it again. I suppose in the old days, I tended to hit first and then think later. Now I think before I hit."

- Roy Keane describes, eh, how much he has mellowed in recent years.


"When I came down (from Scotland) everybody told me Everton were a top six side."

- Walter Smith on being misled (a bit) when he arrived at Goodison Park last summer. Who told him Everton were a top six side - Jimmy Tarbuck?

"I bet Scotland are wishing the Czech Republic were involved in the Balkan crisis now after they beat them at Celtic Park tonight."

- BBC Radio 5 Live presenter Richard Littlejohn on Wednesday night. Oh dear.

"Our British culture can't play for a draw. We must go for it. It's muck and nettles."

- Wales manager Bobby Gould ahead of last Wednesday's European Championship qualifier in Switzerland, which they lost. Muck and nettles?

"It was just a ceremonial, nothing to do with drugs. Some players run to the corner flag, some show their legs, this developed from something Rigobert Song brought to the training ground from France. When Metz scored their players used to pretend to eat grass."

- Liverpool manager Gerard Houllier comes up with a unique interpretation of Robbie Fowler's goal celebrations on Saturday. Eating grass, eh? Good one Gerard.

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times