Quotes of the week

"If I am so tough, why do my team-mates call me Lily?"

"If I am so tough, why do my team-mates call me Lily?"

- Leicester City's Robbie Savage categorically denies he's a hard man.

"I have known people get over AIDS more quickly than Marshall has recovered from hamstring trouble."

- Leicester manager Martin O'Neill's has a less-than-PC go at injury-prone striker Ian Marshall.


"Almost every night I dream of being back playing on the beach like I did as a boy, then I wake up and it hurts because I am in the real world."

- Ronaldo on life in the goldfish bowl he now inhabits.

"Manchester United came here to drink whiskey, make the most of the sun and see if our whiskey is as good as theirs. What they did was a joke. They played rubbish."

- Former Brazilian World Cup winner Gerson pays tribute to Manchester United's contribution to the World Club Championship.